I was so excited to receive my first box as an Island Batik Ambassador! Opening it made me feel like a kid on Christmas morning! Seeing all that gorgeous fabric in one place...along with the goodies provided by the trade sponsors, gave me so much inspiration for the exciting year to come as an Island Batik Ambassador.
Below is my first unboxing video! After I got over my initial case of "being nervous", I think it went pretty well. For those who would like to see the fabrics close-up, I have also provided photos and descriptions for everything that was in my box following the video:
Below are individual photos with descriptions of what was in my box!

These are so fun! These are called Stash Builder Bundles. Each bundle contains 5 rolls of 4-5" X WOF strips. Not sure where these will show up, but I'm looking forward to auditioning them in various projects this year!
Also included in my box were the following items from Island Batik trade sponsors, Accuquilt, Oliso, Aurifil Thread and Schmetz Needles:

From Schmetz we received a collection of sewing machine needles. Included was one pack each of piecing and quilting needles, vinyl needles and universal needles, along with a handy pocket guide to all the needles they make and the uses for each.
Stay tuned for a 2nd unboxing video this month as we are expecting to receive another one soon!
Many thanks to Island Batik, Aurifil Thread, Accuquilt, Schmetz Needles, Oliso, Studio 180 Designs, Hobbs Batting and Funky Friends Factory for supplying products to use thru the Island Batik Ambassador Program.
Below is a list of all the 2025 Island Batik Ambassadors, along with links to their websites or blog pages:
Brenda Alburl- https://songbirddesigns.blog
Renee Atkinson- https://wordpress.com/posts/pinktulipquilting.studio
Susan Deshensky- www.ladybluequilts.com/blog
Tina Dillard- https://quiltingaffection.blogspot.com/
Brittany Fisher- www.bobbinwithbrittany.com
Kimberly Flannagan- https://www.kimberlysquilts.com/blog
Preeti Harris- https://sewpreetiquilts.blogspot.com
Mania Hatziioannidi- www.maniaforquilts.com
Kim Jamieson-Hirst- https://www.chatterboxquilts.com/blog
Connie Kauffman- Kauffmandesigns.blogspot.com
Connie Kresin Campbell- https://conniekresin.com/
Emily Leachman- https://thedarlingdogwood.blogspot.com/
Denise Looney- https://quiltery.com
Leah Malasky- www.quilteddelights.com
Susan Michaels-https://dragonflyfiberart.blogspot.com/
Lisa Pickering- https://lisasquiltingpassion.blog/
Sarah Pitcher- www.pitchersboutique.com/blog-1
Gail Sheppard- https://quiltinggail.com/
Carol Stanek- stitchwithcolor.blogspot.com
Solomae Stoycoff- https://cuddlecatquiltworks.com
Jennifer Thomas- https://curlicuecreations.com
Suzy Webster- www.websterquilt.com

Great job on the video! I can’t wait to see what you create. Happy sewing!
Fabulous unboxing…enjoy your monthly projects!
Beautiful fabrics and you’ll have fun being an Island Batik ambassador!